
-Added new system of syncing transforms. Currently debugging a crash due to incorrect data access

Mike Geig 5 年前
共有 19 个文件被更改,包括 2562 次插入378 次删除
  1. 2
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/BoatBodyComponent.cs
  2. 19
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/BuoyantObject_DOTS.cs
  3. 4
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Components/BoatDataComponents.cs
  4. 940
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Physics Scene.unity
  5. 14
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/BoatEntity.prefab
  6. 209
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/DOTS Buoy.prefab
  7. 89
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/ApplyBuoyancyForceSystem.cs
  8. 59
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/GertsnerSystem.cs
  9. 7
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/InputSystem.cs
  10. 52
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/DOTSTransformManager.cs
  11. 11
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/DOTSTransformManager.cs.meta
  12. 27
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/GridSpawner.cs
  13. 11
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/GridSpawner.cs.meta
  14. 386
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/BoatEntityNew.prefab
  15. 7
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/BoatEntityNew.prefab.meta
  16. 1001
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/DOTS Buoys.prefab
  17. 7
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/DOTS Buoys.prefab.meta
  18. 84
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/UpdateObjectTransformSystem.cs
  19. 11
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/UpdateObjectTransformSystem.cs.meta

Assets/Unity Physics Items/BoatBodyComponent.cs

public void Convert(Entity entity, EntityManager dstManager, GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem)
dstManager.AddComponent(entity, typeof(CopyTransformToGameObject));
//dstManager.AddComponent(entity, typeof(SyncTransformTag));
//DOTSTransformManager.Register(entity, transform);

Assets/Unity Physics Items/BuoyantObject_DOTS.cs

private DebugDrawing[] debugInfo; // For drawing force gizmos
public float percentSubmerged = 0f;
public GameObject childObject;
void Init()

if (body)
body.Convert(conversionSystem.GetPrimaryEntity(body), dstManager, conversionSystem);
if (childObject != null)
dstManager.AddComponent(entity, typeof(SyncTransformTag));
GameObject go = Instantiate(childObject, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;
if(go.GetComponent<BuoyantObject>()) Destroy(go.GetComponent<BuoyantObject>());
if(go.GetComponent<Engine>()) Destroy(go.GetComponent<Engine>());
if(go.GetComponent<BoatController>()) Destroy(go.GetComponent<BoatController>());
go.transform.parent = transform.parent;
DOTSTransformManager.Register(entity, go.transform);
struct DebugDrawing

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Components/BoatDataComponents.cs

public float3 Value;
public struct SimpleBuoyantTag : IComponentData { }
public struct SimpleBuoyantTag : IComponentData { }
public struct SyncTransformTag : IComponentData { }

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Physics Scene.unity

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/BoatEntity.prefab

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--- !u!114 &1531988078
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Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/DOTS Buoy.prefab

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m_Layer: 0
m_Name: DOTS Buoy
m_TagString: Untagged

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m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
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x: 270
y: 270
z: 0
RotationOrder: 4
Height: 1.7400162
Radius: 0.60017514
Axis: 2
Height: 1.7400162
Radius: 0.60017514
Axis: 2
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CombineMode: 2
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m_Override: 0
m_Value: 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
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m_MotionType: 1
m_Mass: 1
m_LinearDamping: 0.01
m_AngularDamping: 0.05
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
m_GravityFactor: 1
m_OverrideDefaultMassDistribution: 0
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
RotationOrder: 4
x: 0.4
y: 0.4
z: 0.4
Tag00: 0
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Tag02: 0
Tag03: 0
Tag04: 0
Tag05: 0
Tag06: 0
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--- !u!4 &3824473869457911851
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Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/ApplyBuoyancyForceSystem.cs

using Unity.Physics.Extensions;
using Unity.Physics.Systems;
using Unity.Physics;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
[UpdateAfter(typeof(GertsnerSystem)), UpdateAfter(typeof(ExportPhysicsWorld))]
public class ApplyBuoyancyForceSystem : JobComponentSystem

var offsets = GetBufferFromEntity<VoxelOffset>(false);
var heights = GetBufferFromEntity<VoxelHeight>(false);
var physicsQuery = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Translation), typeof(Rotation), typeof(PhysicsVelocity), typeof(PhysicsMass), typeof(PhysicsDamping), typeof(BuoyantData));
var physicalEntities = physicsQuery.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob);
entities = physicalEntities,
translations = GetComponentDataFromEntity<Translation>(true),
rotations = GetComponentDataFromEntity<Rotation>(true),
velocities = GetComponentDataFromEntity<PhysicsVelocity>(false),
masses = GetComponentDataFromEntity<PhysicsMass>(true),
dampings = GetComponentDataFromEntity<PhysicsDamping>(true),
datas = GetComponentDataFromEntity<BuoyantData>(true),
var forceJobHandle = forceJob.Schedule(physicalEntities.Length, 1, inputDeps);
var forceJobHandle = forceJob.Schedule(this, inputDeps);
var simpleQuery = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Translation), typeof(Rotation), typeof(BuoyancyNormal), typeof(SimpleBuoyantTag));
var simpleEntities = simpleQuery.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob);
entities = physicalEntities,
translations = GetComponentDataFromEntity<Translation>(false),
rotations = GetComponentDataFromEntity<Rotation>(false),
normals = GetComponentDataFromEntity<BuoyancyNormal>(true),
return simpleJob.Schedule(this, forceJobHandle);
var simpleHandle = simpleJob.Schedule(simpleEntities.Length, 32, forceJobHandle);
return simpleHandle;
//return JobHandle.CombineDependencies(forceJobHandle, simpleHandle);
public struct ForceJob : IJobForEachWithEntity<Translation, Rotation, PhysicsVelocity, PhysicsMass, PhysicsDamping, BuoyantData>
public struct ForceJob : IJobParallelFor//<Translation, Rotation, PhysicsVelocity, PhysicsMass, PhysicsDamping, BuoyantData>
public float dt;
[ReadOnly] public float dt;
public BufferFromEntity<VoxelOffset> offsetBuffer;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<Entity> entities;
[ReadOnly] public ComponentDataFromEntity<Translation> translations;
[ReadOnly] public ComponentDataFromEntity<Rotation> rotations;
[ReadOnly] public ComponentDataFromEntity<PhysicsMass> masses;
[ReadOnly] public ComponentDataFromEntity<PhysicsDamping> dampings;
[ReadOnly] public ComponentDataFromEntity<BuoyantData> datas;
public BufferFromEntity<VoxelHeight> heightBuffer;
public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, [ReadOnly] ref Translation pos, [ReadOnly] ref Rotation rot, ref PhysicsVelocity vel, ref PhysicsMass mass, ref PhysicsDamping damping, [ReadOnly] ref BuoyantData data)
[ReadOnly] public BufferFromEntity<VoxelOffset> offsetBuffer;
[ReadOnly] public BufferFromEntity<VoxelHeight> heightBuffer;
public ComponentDataFromEntity<PhysicsVelocity> velocities;
public void Execute(int index)
var entity = entities[index];
var pos = translations[entity];
var rot = rotations[entity];
var vel = velocities[entity];
var mass = masses[entity];
var damping = dampings[entity];
var data = datas[entity];
DynamicBuffer<VoxelOffset> offsets = offsetBuffer[entity];
DynamicBuffer<VoxelHeight> heights = heightBuffer[entity];

velocities[entity] = vel;
//Apply drag
//data.percentSubmerged = Mathf.Lerp(data.percentSubmerged, submergedAmount, 0.25f);
//damping.Linear = data.baseDrag + (data.baseDrag * (data.percentSubmerged * 10f));

public struct SimpleForceJob : IJobForEachWithEntity<Translation, Rotation, BuoyancyNormal>
public struct SimpleForceJob : IJobParallelFor
public BufferFromEntity<VoxelHeight> heightBuffer;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<Entity> entities;
[ReadOnly] public ComponentDataFromEntity<BuoyancyNormal> normals;
[ReadOnly] public BufferFromEntity<VoxelHeight> heightBuffer;
public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, [ReadOnly] ref Translation pos, [ReadOnly] ref Rotation rot, [ReadOnly] ref BuoyancyNormal normal)
public ComponentDataFromEntity<Translation> translations;
public ComponentDataFromEntity<Rotation> rotations;
public void Execute(int index)
var entity = entities[index];
var pos = translations[entity];
var rot = rotations[entity];
var normal = normals[entity];
//var position = pos.Value;
//position.y = heights[0].Value.y;
//pos.Value = position;
//transform.up = Vector3.Slerp(transform.up, normals[0], Time.deltaTime);
translations[entity] = pos;
rotations[entity] = rot;

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/GertsnerSystem.cs

protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
var job = new HeightJob {
var query = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Translation), typeof(Rotation), typeof(BuoyancyNormal));
var entities = query.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob);
var job = new HeightQueryJob
entities = entities,
translations = GetComponentDataFromEntity<Translation>(true),
rotations = GetComponentDataFromEntity<Rotation>(true),
normals = GetComponentDataFromEntity<BuoyancyNormal>(false),
return job.Schedule(this, inputDeps);
return job.Schedule(entities.Length, 1);
public struct HeightJob : IJobForEachWithEntity<Translation, Rotation, BuoyancyNormal>
public struct HeightQueryJob : IJobParallelFor
public NativeArray<Wave> waveData; // wave data stroed in vec4's like the shader version but packed into one
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<Wave> waveData; // wave data stroed in vec4's like the shader version but packed into one
[ReadOnly] public float time;
public float time;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<Entity> entities;
[ReadOnly] public ComponentDataFromEntity<Translation> translations;
[ReadOnly] public ComponentDataFromEntity<Rotation> rotations;
[ReadOnly] public BufferFromEntity<VoxelOffset> offsetBuffer;
public BufferFromEntity<VoxelOffset> offsetBuffer;
public ComponentDataFromEntity<BuoyancyNormal> normals;
// The code actually running on the job
public void Execute(Entity entity, int i, [ReadOnly] ref Translation translation, ref Rotation rot, ref BuoyancyNormal normal)
public void Execute(int index)
var entity = entities[index];
var entityTransform = new RigidTransform(rot.Value, translation.Value);
var entityTransform = new RigidTransform(rotations[entity].Value, translations[entity].Value);
for (int vi = 0; vi < offsets.Length; vi++)

for (var wave = 0; wave < waveData.Length; wave++) // for each wave
var thisWave = waveData[wave];
var amplitude = waveData[wave].amplitude;
var direction = waveData[wave].direction;
var wavelength = waveData[wave].wavelength;
var omniPos = waveData[wave].origin;
var amplitude = thisWave.amplitude;
var direction = thisWave.direction;
var wavelength = thisWave.wavelength;
var omniPos = thisWave.origin;
////////////////////////////////wave value calculations//////////////////////////
var w = 6.28318f / wavelength; // 2pi over wavelength(hardcoded)
var wSpeed = math.sqrt(9.8f * w); // frequency of the wave based off wavelength

var dir = 0f;
direction = math.radians(direction); // convert the incoming degrees to radians
var windDirInput = new float2(math.sin(direction), math.cos(direction)) * (1 - waveData[wave].onmiDir); // calculate wind direction - TODO - currently radians
var windOmniInput = (pos - omniPos) * waveData[wave].onmiDir;
var windDirInput = new float2(math.sin(direction), math.cos(direction)) * (1 - thisWave.onmiDir); // calculate wind direction - TODO - currently radians
var windOmniInput = (pos - omniPos) * thisWave.onmiDir;
dir = math.dot(windDir, pos - (omniPos * waveData[wave].onmiDir)); // calculate a gradient along the wind direction
dir = math.dot(windDir, pos - (omniPos * thisWave.onmiDir)); // calculate a gradient along the wind direction
////////////////////////////position output calculations/////////////////////////
var calc = dir * w + -time * wSpeed; // the wave calculation

heights[vi] = new VoxelHeight{Value = wavePos};
heights[vi] = new VoxelHeight { Value = wavePos };
normal.Value = math.normalize(waveNorm.xzy);
normals[entity] = new BuoyancyNormal { Value = math.normalize(waveNorm.xzy) };

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/InputSystem.cs

using Unity.Transforms;
using UnityEngine;
public class InputSystem : ComponentSystem
InputControls controls;

protected override void OnUpdate()
//not time to start
////not time to start
Entities.ForEach((Entity entity, ref Translation pos, ref Rotation rot, ref InputData data ) =>
Entities.ForEach((Entity entity, ref Translation pos, ref Rotation rot, ref InputData data) =>
if (data.isHuman)

Assets/Unity Physics Items/DOTSTransformManager.cs

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Transforms;
using UnityEngine;
public class DOTSTransformManager : MonoBehaviour
static DOTSTransformManager main;
Dictionary<Entity, Transform> objects = new Dictionary<Entity, Transform>();
private void Awake()
if (main != null && main != this)
main = this;
public static void Register(Entity entity, Transform objTransform)
if (main == null || main.objects.ContainsKey(entity))
main.objects.Add(entity, objTransform);
public static Transform GetTransform(Entity entity)
Transform t = null;
main.objects.TryGetValue(entity, out t);
return t;
//private void Update()
// var manager = World.Active.EntityManager;
// foreach (var item in objects)
// {
// var pos = manager.GetComponentData<Translation>(item.Key);
// var rot = manager.GetComponentData<Rotation>(item.Key);
// item.Value.SetPositionAndRotation(pos.Value, rot.Value);
// }

Assets/Unity Physics Items/DOTSTransformManager.cs.meta

fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 4287778bdddd0914f82e916acf501d52
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: -17100
icon: {instanceID: 0}

Assets/Unity Physics Items/GridSpawner.cs

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class GridSpawner : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject spawnedObject;
public float xStep = 3f;
public float yStep = 8f;
public int columns = 3;
public int rows = 3;
private void Start()
if (spawnedObject == null)
for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
Vector3 pos = transform.position + new Vector3(xStep * x, 0f, yStep * -y);
Instantiate(spawnedObject, pos, transform.rotation, transform);

Assets/Unity Physics Items/GridSpawner.cs.meta

fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: c2b95037c7d02124dabf72d87228cd87
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/BoatEntityNew.prefab

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- {x: -0.30000004, y: -0.11922422, z: 0.3618064}
- {x: -0.30000004, y: -0.11922422, z: 0.66180634}
- {x: -0.30000004, y: -0.11922422, z: 0.9618064}
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- {x: -0.30000004, y: 0.18077579, z: -2.6381934}
- {x: -0.30000004, y: 0.18077579, z: -2.3381934}
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- {x: -0.30000004, y: 0.18077579, z: -1.4381937}
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- {x: -0.30000004, y: 0.18077579, z: -0.83819366}
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- {x: -0.30000004, y: 0.18077579, z: -0.23819366}
- {x: -0.30000004, y: 0.18077579, z: 0.06180635}
- {x: -0.30000004, y: 0.18077579, z: 0.3618064}
- {x: -0.30000004, y: 0.18077579, z: 0.66180634}
- {x: -0.30000004, y: 0.18077579, z: 0.9618064}
- {x: -0.30000004, y: 0.18077579, z: 1.2618064}
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- {x: -0.30000004, y: 0.4807758, z: 0.3618064}
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- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: -2.6381934}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: -2.3381934}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: -2.0381937}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: -1.7381936}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: -1.4381937}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: -1.1381937}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: -0.83819366}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: -0.5381937}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: -0.23819366}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: 0.06180635}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: 0.3618064}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: 0.66180634}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: 0.9618064}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: 1.2618064}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: 1.5618063}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: 1.8618064}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.4807758, z: 2.1618063}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.7807758, z: -2.3381934}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.7807758, z: -2.0381937}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.7807758, z: -1.7381936}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.7807758, z: -1.4381937}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.7807758, z: -1.1381937}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.7807758, z: -0.83819366}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.7807758, z: -0.5381937}
- {x: -0.000000029802322, y: 0.7807758, z: -0.23819366}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: -0.11922422, z: -2.6381934}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: -0.11922422, z: -2.3381934}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: -0.11922422, z: -2.0381937}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: -0.11922422, z: -1.7381936}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: -0.11922422, z: -1.4381937}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: -0.11922422, z: -1.1381937}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: -0.11922422, z: -0.83819366}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: -0.11922422, z: -0.5381937}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: -0.11922422, z: -0.23819366}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: -0.11922422, z: 0.06180635}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: -0.11922422, z: 0.3618064}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: -0.11922422, z: 0.66180634}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: -0.11922422, z: 0.9618064}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: -2.9381933}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: -2.6381934}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: -2.3381934}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: -2.0381937}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: -1.7381936}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: -1.4381937}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: -1.1381937}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: -0.83819366}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: -0.5381937}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: -0.23819366}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: 0.06180635}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: 0.3618064}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: 0.66180634}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: 0.9618064}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: 1.2618064}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: 1.5618063}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.18077579, z: 1.8618064}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: -2.9381933}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: -2.6381934}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: -2.3381934}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: -2.0381937}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: -1.7381936}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: -1.4381937}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: -1.1381937}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: -0.83819366}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: -0.5381937}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: -0.23819366}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: 0.06180635}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: 0.3618064}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: 0.66180634}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: 0.9618064}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: 1.2618064}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.4807758, z: 1.5618063}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.7807758, z: -2.3381934}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.7807758, z: -2.0381937}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.7807758, z: -1.7381936}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.7807758, z: -1.4381937}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.7807758, z: -1.1381937}
- {x: 0.29999998, y: 0.7807758, z: -0.83819366}
- {x: 0.6, y: -0.11922422, z: -1.4381937}
- {x: 0.6, y: -0.11922422, z: -1.1381937}
- {x: 0.6, y: -0.11922422, z: -0.83819366}
- {x: 0.6, y: -0.11922422, z: -0.5381937}
- {x: 0.6, y: -0.11922422, z: -0.23819366}
- {x: 0.6, y: -0.11922422, z: 0.06180635}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.18077579, z: -2.9381933}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.18077579, z: -2.6381934}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.18077579, z: -2.3381934}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.18077579, z: -2.0381937}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.18077579, z: -1.7381936}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.18077579, z: -1.4381937}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.18077579, z: -1.1381937}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.18077579, z: -0.83819366}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.18077579, z: -0.5381937}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.18077579, z: -0.23819366}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.18077579, z: 0.06180635}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.18077579, z: 0.3618064}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.18077579, z: 0.66180634}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.18077579, z: 0.9618064}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.18077579, z: 1.2618064}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.4807758, z: -2.6381934}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.4807758, z: -2.3381934}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.4807758, z: -2.0381937}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.4807758, z: -1.7381936}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.4807758, z: -1.4381937}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.4807758, z: -1.1381937}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.4807758, z: -0.83819366}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.4807758, z: -0.5381937}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.4807758, z: -0.23819366}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.4807758, z: 0.06180635}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.4807758, z: 0.3618064}
- {x: 0.6, y: 0.4807758, z: 0.66180634}
- {x: 0.9, y: 0.18077579, z: -2.0381937}
- {x: 0.9, y: 0.18077579, z: -1.7381936}
- {x: 0.9, y: 0.18077579, z: -1.4381937}
- {x: 0.9, y: 0.18077579, z: -1.1381937}
- {x: 0.9, y: 0.18077579, z: -0.83819366}
- {x: 0.9, y: 0.18077579, z: -0.5381937}
- {x: 0.9, y: 0.18077579, z: -0.23819366}
- {x: 0.9, y: 0.18077579, z: 0.06180635}
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Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/UpdateObjectTransformSystem.cs

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Transforms;
using UnityEngine;
using static WaterSystem.BuoyantObject_DOTS;
using Unity.Physics.Extensions;
using Unity.Physics.Systems;
using Unity.Physics;
public class UpdateObjectTransformSystem : JobComponentSystem
NativeArray<Entity> entities;
NativeArray<float3> positions;
NativeArray<quaternion> rotations;
int totalCount;
protected override void OnCreate()
totalCount = 0;
entities = new NativeArray<Entity>(256, Allocator.Persistent);
positions = new NativeArray<float3>(256, Allocator.Persistent);
rotations = new NativeArray<quaternion>(256, Allocator.Persistent);
protected override void OnDestroy()
protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
for (int i = 0; i < SyncJob.count; i++)
var t = DOTSTransformManager.GetTransform(entities[i]);
if(t != null)
t.SetPositionAndRotation(positions[i], rotations[i]);
SyncJob.count = 0;
var job = new SyncJob
entities = entities,
positions = positions,
rotations = rotations
return job.Schedule(this, inputDeps);
public struct SyncJob : IJobForEachWithEntity<Translation, Rotation>
public NativeArray<Entity> entities;
public NativeArray<float3> positions;
public NativeArray<quaternion> rotations;
public static int count;
public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref Translation pos, ref Rotation rot)
entities[index] = entity;
positions[index] = pos.Value;
rotations[index] = rot.Value;

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/UpdateObjectTransformSystem.cs.meta

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serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}