
More cleanup work, setting up water shader functions

André McGrail 5 年前
共有 8 个文件被更改,包括 211 次插入70 次删除
  1. 124
  2. 16
  3. 2
  4. 13
  5. 3
  6. 92
  7. 25
  8. 6


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--- !u!157 &3

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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
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- _BumpScale: 0.3
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- _DetailNormalMapScale: 1
- _DstBlend: 0
- _GlossMapScale: 1

- _Mode: 0
- _OcclusionStrength: 1
- _Parallax: 0.02
- _Size: 1.2
- _Size: 4
- _Static: 0
- _UVSec: 0
- _WorkflowMode: 1
- _ZWrite: 1

- _SpecColor: {r: 0.19999996, g: 0.19999996, b: 0.19999996, a: 1}
m_BuildTextureStacks: []


WaveStruct GerstnerWave(half2 pos, float waveCountMulti, half amplitude, half direction, half wavelength, half omni, half2 omniPos)
WaveStruct waveOut;
#if defined(_STATIC_WATER)
#if defined(_STATIC_SHADER)
float time = 0;
float time = _Time.y;


_Size ("size", float) = 3.0
_DitherPattern ("Dithering Pattern", 2D) = "bump" {}
[Toggle(_STATIC_SHADER)] _Static ("Static", Float) = 0
_BumpScale("Detail Wave Amount", Range(0, 2)) = 0.2//fine detail multiplier
[KeywordEnum(Off, SSS, Refraction, Reflection, Normal, Fresnel, WaterEffects, Foam, WaterDepth)] _Debug ("Debug mode", Float) = 0

InfinitePlane plane = WorldPlane(i.screenPosition, i.viewDir);
float3 normal = half3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
half3 viewDirectionWS = normalize(GetCameraPositionWS() - plane.positionWS);
float4 additionalData = float4(1, length(viewDirectionWS), waterFX.w, 1);
float3 depth = WaterDepth(plane.positionWS, 0.0, screenUV.xy);
float3 depth = WaterDepth(plane.positionWS, additionalData, screenUV.xy);
// Detail waves
DetailNormals(normal, DetailUVs(plane.positionWS * (1 / _Size), 1.0), waterFX, depth);

// SSS
half3 directLighting = dot(mainLight.direction, half3(0, 1, 0)) * mainLight.color;
directLighting += saturate(pow(dot(i.viewDir.xyz, -mainLight.direction) * 1, 3)) * 5 * mainLight.color;
directLighting += saturate(pow(dot(viewDirectionWS, -mainLight.direction) * 1, 3)) * 5 * mainLight.color;
half3 sss = directLighting * shadow + GI;
half4 col = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_SurfaceMap, sampler_SurfaceMap, plane.positionWS.xz);

// Fresnel
half fresnelTerm = CalculateFresnelTerm(normal, i.viewDir.xyz);
half fresnelTerm = CalculateFresnelTerm(normal, viewDirectionWS);
half3 spec = DirectBDRF(brdfData, normal, mainLight.direction, i.viewDir.xyz) * shadow * mainLight.color;
half3 spec = DirectBDRF(brdfData, normal, mainLight.direction, viewDirectionWS) * shadow * mainLight.color;
half3 reflection = SampleReflections(normal, i.viewDir.xyz, screenUV.xy, 0.0);
half3 reflection = SampleReflections(normal, viewDirectionWS, screenUV.xy, 0.0);
// Refraction
half3 refraction = Refraction(screenUV, depth.x);


guid: 5f51d4f8f480441339ead24ab495af7d
externalObjects: {}
defaultTextures: []
- _DitherPattern: {fileID: 2800000, guid: 7247454f970266b4c8d99e1f01e15296, type: 3}
nonModifiableTextures: []


#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
#if defined(_STATIC_WATER)
#if defined(_STATIC_SHADER)
#define WATER_TIME 0.0
#define WATER_TIME _Time.y

half4 data = half4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float3 viewPos = TransformWorldToView(postionWS);
data.x = length(viewPos / viewPos.z);// distance to surface
data.y = length(GetCameraPositionWS().xyz - postionWS); // local position in camera space
data.y = length(GetCameraPositionWS().xyz - postionWS); // local position in camera space(view direction WS)
data.z = wave.position.y / _MaxWaveHeight * 0.5 + 0.5; // encode the normalized wave height into additional data
data.w = wave.position.x + wave.position.z;
return data;

return input;
void InitializeInputData(Varyings input, out WaterInputData inputData)
inputData.positionWS = input.posWS;
inputData.normalWS = input.normal;
inputData.viewDirectionWS = input.viewDir;
inputData.reflectionUV = 0;
inputData.shadowCoord = TransformWorldToShadowCoord(inputData.normalWS);
inputData.fogCoord = input.fogFactorNoise.x;
inputData.depth = 1;
inputData.refractionUV = DistortionUVs(inputData.depth, inputData.normalWS);
inputData.GI = 0;
void InitializeSurfaceData(WaterInputData input, out WaterSurfaceData surfaceData)
surfaceData.absorption = 0;
surfaceData.scattering = 0;
surfaceData.normal = 0;
// Foam
half3 foamMap = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_FoamMap, sampler_FoamMap, IN.uv.zw).rgb; //r=thick, g=medium, b=light
half depthEdge = saturate(depth.x * 20);
half waveFoam = saturate(IN.additionalData.z - 0.75 * 0.5); // wave tips
half depthAdd = saturate(1 - depth.x * 4) * 0.5;
half edgeFoam = saturate((1 - min(depth.x, depth.y) * 0.5 - 0.25) + depthAdd) * depthEdge;
half foamBlendMask = max(max(waveFoam, edgeFoam), waterFX.r * 2);
half3 foamBlend = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_AbsorptionScatteringRamp, sampler_AbsorptionScatteringRamp, half2(foamBlendMask, 0.66)).rgb;
surfaceData.foamMask = 0;// saturate(length(foamMap * foamBlend) * 1.5 - 0.1);
surfaceData.foam = 0;
float3 WaterShading(WaterInputData input, WaterSurfaceData surfaceData, float2 screenUV)
// Lighting
Light mainLight = GetMainLight(TransformWorldToShadowCoord(input.positionWS));
half shadow = SoftShadows(screenUV, input.positionWS);
half3 GI = SampleSH(input.normalWS);
BRDFData brdfData;
InitializeBRDFData(half3(0, 0, 0), 0, half3(1, 1, 1), 0.95, 1, brdfData);
half3 spec = DirectBDRF(brdfData, input.normalWS, mainLight.direction, input.viewDirectionWS);// * shadow * mainLight.color;
// Fresnel
half fresnelTerm = CalculateFresnelTerm(input.normalWS, input.viewDirectionWS);
half3 sss = 0;
sss *= Scattering(input.depth);
// Reflections
half3 reflection = SampleReflections(input.normalWS, input.viewDirectionWS, screenUV, 0.0);
// Refraction
half3 refraction = Refraction(input.refractionUV, input.depth);
// Do compositing
half3 output = lerp(lerp(refraction, reflection, fresnelTerm) + sss + spec, surfaceData.foam, surfaceData.foamMask);
return MixFog(output, input.fogCoord);
// Vertex and Fragment functions //

half3 screenUV = IN.screenPosition.xyz / IN.screenPosition.w; // screen UVs
WaterInputData inputData;
InitializeInputData(IN, inputData);
WaterSurfaceData surfaceData;
InitializeSurfaceData(inputData, surfaceData);
half4 color;
color.a = 1;
color.rgb = WaterShading(inputData, surfaceData, screenUV.xy);
//return color;
half4 waterFX = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_WaterFXMap, sampler_ScreenTextures_linear_clamp, IN.preWaveSP.xy);
// Depth

// Lighting
Light mainLight = GetMainLight(TransformWorldToShadowCoord(IN.posWS));
half shadow = SoftShadows(screenUV, IN.posWS);
half shadow = SoftShadows(screenUV.xy, IN.posWS);
half3 GI = SampleSH(IN.normal);
// SSS

half2 distortion = DistortionUVs(depth.x, IN.normal);
distortion = screenUV.xy + distortion;// * clamp(depth.x, 0, 5);
float d = depth.x;
depth.xz = AdjustedDepth(distortion, IN.additionalData);
depth.xz = AdjustedDepth(distortion, IN.additionalData); // only x y
distortion = depth.x < 0 ? screenUV.xy : distortion;
depth.x = depth.x < 0 ? d : depth.x;

#elif defined(_DEBUG_WATEREFFECTS)
return half4(waterFX);
#elif defined(_DEBUG_WATERDEPTH)
return half4(frac(depth), 1);
return half4(frac(depth.z).xxx, 1);
return half4(comp, alpha);


TEXTURE2D(_FoamMap); SAMPLER(sampler_FoamMap);
TEXTURE2D(_DitherPattern); SAMPLER(sampler_DitherPattern);
// Must match Lightweigth ShaderGraph master node
struct SurfaceData
struct WaterSurfaceData
half3 absorption;
half3 scattering;
half3 normal;
half foam;
half foamMask;
struct WaterInputData
half3 absorption;
half3 scattering;
half3 normal;
half foam;
float3 positionWS;
half3 normalWS;
half3 viewDirectionWS;
float2 reflectionUV;
float2 refractionUV;
float4 shadowCoord;
half fogCoord;
float depth;
half3 GI;


//Soft Shadows
half SoftShadows(float3 screenUV, float3 positionWS)
half SoftShadows(float2 screenUV, float3 positionWS)
half2 jitterUV = screenUV.xy * _ScreenParams.xy * _DitherPattern_TexelSize.xy;
half2 jitterUV = screenUV * _ScreenParams.xy * _DitherPattern_TexelSize.xy;
uint loop = 4;
float loopDiv = 1.0 / loop;
for (uint i = 0u; i < loop; ++i)
