Shader "UIPanelFade" |
Shader "Boat Attack/UI/Halftone Fade" |
[NoScaleOffset]_MainTex("Texture2D", 2D) = "white" {} |
Vector1_7563C2A4("Rotate", Range(-1, 1)) = 0 |
Vector1_68A27D51("Vertical Position", Range(-1, 1)) = 0 |
Vector1_5A14D1F("Horizontal Position", Range(-1, 1)) = 0 |
Vector1_C4B0954B("Width", Range(0.001, 0.5)) = 0.5 |
[Toggle]BOOLEAN_6EC3160E("Mirror", Float) = 0 |
_Rotation("Rotate", Range(-1, 1)) = 0 |
_OffsetX("Offset Horizontal", Range(-1, 1)) = 0 |
_OffsetY("Offset Vertical", Range(-1, 1)) = 0 |
_Width("Width", Range(0.01, 1)) = 0.1 |
} |
SubShader |
{ |
"RenderType"="Transparent" |
"Queue"="Transparent+0" |
Name "Pass" |
// Render State |
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha, One OneMinusSrcAlpha |
ZTest LEqual |
ZWrite Off |
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha |
// Debug |
// <None> |
// -------------------------------------------------- |
// Pass |
// Pragmas |
#pragma prefer_hlslcc gles |
#pragma exclude_renderers d3d11_9x |
#pragma target 2.0 |
#pragma multi_compile_instancing |
// Keywords |
#pragma multi_compile_local _ BOOLEAN_6EC3160E_ON |
#if defined(BOOLEAN_6EC3160E_ON) |
#else |
#endif |
// make fog work |
#pragma multi_compile_fog |
// Includes |
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl" |
#include "Packages/com.unity.shadergraph/ShaderGraphLibrary/Functions.hlsl" |
// -------------------------------------------------- |
// Graph |
// Graph Properties |
CBUFFER_START(UnityPerMaterial) |
float Vector1_7563C2A4; |
float Vector1_68A27D51; |
float Vector1_5A14D1F; |
float Vector1_C4B0954B; |
TEXTURE2D(_MainTex); SAMPLER(sampler_MainTex); float4 _MainTex_TexelSize; |
// Graph Functions |
void Unity_Multiply_float (float4 A, float4 B, out float4 Out) |
{ |
Out = A * B; |
} |
void DoubleOffset_float(float Base, float Difference, float Spread, out float2 Output1, out float2 Output2) |
{ |
float a = Base - Difference; |
float b = Base + Difference; |
Output1 = float2(a - Spread, a + Spread); |
Output2 = float2(b - Spread, b + Spread); |
} |
void Unity_Combine_float(float R, float G, float B, float A, out float4 RGBA, out float3 RGB, out float2 RG) |
{ |
RGBA = float4(R, G, B, A); |
RGB = float3(R, G, B); |
RG = float2(R, G); |
} |
void Unity_Add_float2(float2 A, float2 B, out float2 Out) |
{ |
Out = A + B; |
} |
void Unity_Multiply_float (float A, float B, out float Out) |
{ |
Out = A * B; |
} |
void Unity_Sine_float(float In, out float Out) |
{ |
Out = sin(In); |
} |
void Unity_Cosine_float(float In, out float Out) |
{ |
Out = cos(In); |
} |
void Unity_DotProduct_float2(float2 A, float2 B, out float Out) |
{ |
Out = dot(A, B); |
} |
void Unity_Negate_float(float In, out float Out) |
{ |
Out = -1 * In; |
} |
void Unity_Remap_float(float In, float2 InMinMax, float2 OutMinMax, out float Out) |
{ |
Out = OutMinMax.x + (In - InMinMax.x) * (OutMinMax.y - OutMinMax.x) / (InMinMax.y - InMinMax.x); |
} |
void Unity_Subtract_float(float A, float B, out float Out) |
{ |
Out = A - B; |
} |
void Unity_Absolute_float(float In, out float Out) |
{ |
Out = abs(In); |
} |
void Unity_OneMinus_float(float In, out float Out) |
{ |
Out = 1 - In; |
} |
void Unity_Fraction_float(float In, out float Out) |
{ |
Out = frac(In); |
} |
void Unity_TilingAndOffset_float(float2 UV, float2 Tiling, float2 Offset, out float2 Out) |
{ |
Out = UV * Tiling + Offset; |
} |
void Unity_Fraction_float2(float2 In, out float2 Out) |
{ |
Out = frac(In); |
} |
void Unity_Distance_float2(float2 A, float2 B, out float Out) |
{ |
Out = distance(A, B); |
} |
void Unity_Smoothstep_float(float Edge1, float Edge2, float In, out float Out) |
float Remap(float In, float2 InMinMax, float2 OutMinMax) |
Out = smoothstep(Edge1, Edge2, In); |
return OutMinMax.x + (In - InMinMax.x) * (OutMinMax.y - OutMinMax.x) / (InMinMax.y - InMinMax.x); |
void Unity_Lerp_float(float A, float B, float T, out float Out) |
{ |
Out = lerp(A, B, T); |
} |
// Graph Vertex |
// GraphVertex: <None> |
// Graph Pixel |
struct SurfaceDescriptionInputs |
{ |
float3 WorldSpacePosition; |
#endif |
float4 ScreenPosition; |
#endif |
float4 uv0; |
#endif |
float4 VertexColor; |
#endif |
float3 TimeParameters; |
#endif |
}; |
struct SurfaceDescription |
{ |
float3 Color; |
float Alpha; |
float AlphaClipThreshold; |
}; |
SurfaceDescription SurfaceDescriptionFunction(SurfaceDescriptionInputs IN) |
{ |
SurfaceDescription surface = (SurfaceDescription)0; |
float4 _SampleTexture2D_3F8012CB_RGBA_0 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_MainTex, sampler_MainTex, IN.uv0.xy); |
float4 _Multiply_DC665A75_Out_2 = _SampleTexture2D_3F8012CB_RGBA_0 * IN.VertexColor; |
float2 _CustomFunction_7C9152A9_Output1_3; |
float2 _CustomFunction_7C9152A9_Output2_4; |
DoubleOffset_float(0.5, 0.1, 0.025, _CustomFunction_7C9152A9_Output1_3, _CustomFunction_7C9152A9_Output2_4); |
float _Split_EEFEE03_R_1 = _CustomFunction_7C9152A9_Output1_3[0]; |
float _Split_EEFEE03_G_2 = _CustomFunction_7C9152A9_Output1_3[1]; |
float4 _ScreenPosition_12892564_Out_0 = float4(IN.ScreenPosition.xy / IN.ScreenPosition.w * 2 - 1, 0, 0); |
float _Property_5C60C246_Out_0 = Vector1_5A14D1F; |
float _Property_3F977C49_Out_0 = Vector1_68A27D51; |
float2 _Combine_E68203FD_RG_6 = float2(_Property_5C60C246_Out_0, _Property_3F977C49_Out_0); |
float2 _Add_FEFB160D_Out_2 = _ScreenPosition_12892564_Out_0.xy + _Combine_E68203FD_RG_6; |
float _Property_6A5FA02B_Out_0 = Vector1_7563C2A4; |
float Constant_84BE6CB2 = 3.141593; |
float _Multiply_166E8FF_Out_2 = _Property_6A5FA02B_Out_0 * 3.141593; |
float _Sine_56DCCE92_Out_1 = sin(_Multiply_166E8FF_Out_2); |
float _Cosine_6C98699_Out_1 = cos(_Multiply_166E8FF_Out_2); |
float2 _Combine_68A71F78_RG_6 = float2(_Sine_56DCCE92_Out_1, _Cosine_6C98699_Out_1); |
float _DotProduct_4DFAA7CA_Out_2 = dot(_Add_FEFB160D_Out_2, _Combine_68A71F78_RG_6); |
float _Property_24F8BD8_Out_0 = Vector1_C4B0954B; |
float _Negate_4B7B6518_Out_1 = -_Property_24F8BD8_Out_0; |
float2 _Combine_AF3296E0_RG_6 = float2(_Negate_4B7B6518_Out_1, _Property_24F8BD8_Out_0); |
float _Remap_BF9AE274_Out_3; |
Unity_Remap_float(_DotProduct_4DFAA7CA_Out_2, _Combine_AF3296E0_RG_6, float2 (0, 1), _Remap_BF9AE274_Out_3); |
float _Subtract_44AA391B_Out_2 = _Remap_BF9AE274_Out_3 - _Property_24F8BD8_Out_0; |
float _Absolute_9E656538_Out_1 = abs(_Subtract_44AA391B_Out_2); |
float _OneMinus_24EECD6E_Out_1 = 1 - _Absolute_9E656538_Out_1; |
#if defined(BOOLEAN_6EC3160E_ON) |
float _Mirror_9ABF97A9_Out_0 = _OneMinus_24EECD6E_Out_1; |
#else |
float _Mirror_9ABF97A9_Out_0 = _Remap_BF9AE274_Out_3; |
#endif |
float4 _ScreenPosition_91DE393A_Out_0 = frac(float4((IN.ScreenPosition.x / IN.ScreenPosition.w * 2 - 1) * _ScreenParams.x / _ScreenParams.y, IN.ScreenPosition.y / IN.ScreenPosition.w * 2 - 1, 0, 0)); |
float _Vector1_90CE3AFA_Out_0 = 10; |
float _Fraction_961F0992_Out_1 = frac(IN.TimeParameters.x); |
float _OneMinus_47E6415F_Out_1 = 1 - _Fraction_961F0992_Out_1; |
float2 _Combine_34F01114_RG_6 = float2(_OneMinus_47E6415F_Out_1, 0); |
float2 _TilingAndOffset_820AA504_Out_3; |
Unity_TilingAndOffset_float((_ScreenPosition_91DE393A_Out_0.xy), (_Vector1_90CE3AFA_Out_0.xx), _Combine_34F01114_RG_6, _TilingAndOffset_820AA504_Out_3); |
float2 _Fraction_85BF219B_Out_1 = frac(_TilingAndOffset_820AA504_Out_3); |
float _Vector1_A80C0185_Out_0 = 0.5; |
float _Distance_7440F14A_Out_2 = distance(_Fraction_85BF219B_Out_1, _Vector1_A80C0185_Out_0.xx); |
float _Remap_52B43685_Out_3; |
Unity_Remap_float(_Distance_7440F14A_Out_2, float2 (0.5, 1), float2 (1, 0), _Remap_52B43685_Out_3); |
float _Multiply_7481105A_Out_2 = _Mirror_9ABF97A9_Out_0 * _Remap_52B43685_Out_3; |
float _Smoothstep_FC6FA553_Out_3 = smoothstep(_Split_EEFEE03_R_1, _Split_EEFEE03_G_2, _Multiply_7481105A_Out_2); |
float _Smoothstep_1D4A479B_Out_3 = smoothstep(_CustomFunction_7C9152A9_Output2_4.x, _CustomFunction_7C9152A9_Output2_4.y, _Multiply_7481105A_Out_2); |
float _Lerp_C33B85D8_Out_3 = lerp(_Smoothstep_FC6FA553_Out_3, _Smoothstep_1D4A479B_Out_3, 0.5); |
surface.Color = _Multiply_DC665A75_Out_2.xyz; |
surface.Alpha = _Multiply_DC665A75_Out_2.a * _Lerp_C33B85D8_Out_3; |
surface.AlphaClipThreshold = 0; |
return surface; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------- |
// Structs and Packing |
// Generated Type: Attributes |
float3 positionOS : POSITION; |
float3 normalOS : NORMAL; |
float4 tangentOS : TANGENT; |
float4 uv0 : TEXCOORD0; |
float4 positionOS : POSITION; |
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; |
// Generated Type: Varyings |
float4 positionCS : SV_Position; |
float3 positionWS; |
float4 texCoord0; |
float4 color; |
}; |
// Generated Type: PackedVaryings |
struct PackedVaryings |
{ |
float4 positionCS : SV_Position; |
float3 interp00 : TEXCOORD0; |
float4 interp01 : TEXCOORD1; |
float4 interp02 : TEXCOORD2; |
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; |
float4 screenPos : TEXCOORD1; |
float4 color : TEXCOORD2; |
float4 positionCS : SV_POSITION; |
// Packed Type: Varyings |
PackedVaryings PackVaryings(Varyings input) |
{ |
PackedVaryings output; |
output.positionCS = input.positionCS; |
output.interp00.xyz = input.positionWS; |
output.interp01.xyzw = input.texCoord0; |
output.interp02.xyzw = input.color; |
output.instanceID = input.instanceID; |
#endif |
output.cullFace = input.cullFace; |
#endif |
return output; |
} |
// Unpacked Type: Varyings |
Varyings UnpackVaryings(PackedVaryings input) |
half _Rotation; |
half _OffsetX; |
half _OffsetY; |
half _Width; |
Varyings vert (Attributes input) |
output.positionCS = input.positionCS; |
output.positionWS = input.interp00.xyz; |
output.texCoord0 = input.interp01.xyzw; |
output.color = input.interp02.xyzw; |
output.instanceID = input.instanceID; |
#endif |
output.cullFace = input.cullFace; |
#endif |
VertexPositionInputs vertexInput = GetVertexPositionInputs(input.positionOS.xyz); |
output.positionCS = vertexInput.positionCS; |
output.uv = input.uv; |
output.color = input.color; |
output.screenPos = ComputeScreenPos(vertexInput.positionCS); |
// -------------------------------------------------- |
// Build Graph Inputs |
SurfaceDescriptionInputs BuildSurfaceDescriptionInputs(Varyings input) |
real4 frag (Varyings input) : SV_Target |
SurfaceDescriptionInputs output; |
ZERO_INITIALIZE(SurfaceDescriptionInputs, output); |
output.WorldSpacePosition = input.positionWS; |
output.ScreenPosition = ComputeScreenPos(TransformWorldToHClip(input.positionWS), _ProjectionParams.x); |
output.uv0 = input.texCoord0; |
output.VertexColor = input.color; |
output.TimeParameters = _TimeParameters.xyz; // This is mainly for LW as HD overwrite this value |
return output; |
// sample the texture |
real4 color = input.color;; |
// Halftone |
float2 centerScreenPos = float2((input.screenPos.x / input.screenPos.w * 2 - 1) * _ScreenParams.x / _ScreenParams.y, input.screenPos.y / input.screenPos.w * 2 - 1); |
float halftone = distance(frac((centerScreenPos + half2(-_Time.x, 0)) * 10), 0.5); |
halftone = Remap(halftone, float2(0.5, 1), float2(1, 0)); |
// Gradient |
half rotate = _Rotation * 3.1425; |
half gradient = dot(((input.screenPos.xy / input.screenPos.w) * 2 - 1) + half2(_OffsetX, _OffsetY), half2(sin(rotate), cos(rotate))); |
gradient = Remap(gradient, float2(-_Width, _Width), float2(0, 1)); |
half base = 0.5; |
half diff = 0.1; |
half spread = 0.02; |
float a = smoothstep(base - diff - spread, base - diff + spread, halftone * gradient); |
float b = smoothstep(base + diff - spread, base + diff + spread, halftone * gradient); |
color.a *= lerp(a, b, 0.5); |
return color; |
// -------------------------------------------------- |
// Main |
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/Varyings.hlsl" |
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Includes/UnlitPass.hlsl" |
} |
} |