
Beginning project code cleanup for physics

Mike Geig 5 年前
共有 44 个文件被更改,包括 205 次插入162 次删除
  1. 136
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Physics Scene.unity
  2. 2
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/BuoyantObject_DOTS.cs
  3. 1
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/GertsnerSystem.cs
  4. 2
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/Slippery.asset
  5. 2
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/PhysicsConversionSystem.cs
  6. 16
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/ApplyBuoyancyForceSystem.cs
  7. 2
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Components/BoatDataComponents.cs.meta
  8. 9
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/DriveSystem.cs
  9. 8
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Components.meta
  10. 8
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs.meta
  11. 8
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems.meta
  12. 16
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Components/BoatBodyComponent.cs
  13. 33
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/Components/BoatDataComponents.cs
  14. 13
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/BoatBodyComponent.cs
  15. 25
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/BuoyantData.cs
  16. 11
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/BuoyantData.cs.meta
  17. 11
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/PhysicalVoxelBouyData.cs
  18. 11
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/PhysicalVoxelBouyData.cs.meta
  19. 18
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/BoatDriveSystem.cs
  20. 9
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/DrivingData.cs
  21. 11
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/DrivingData.cs.meta
  22. 4
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/MoveWithInputTag.cs
  23. 11
      Assets/Unity Physics Items/MoveWithInputTag.cs.meta
  24. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/BuoyantObject_DOTS.cs.meta
  25. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/BuoyantObject_DOTS.cs
  26. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Components/BoatBodyComponent.cs.meta
  27. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/BoatEntity.prefab
  28. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/BoatEntity.prefab.meta
  29. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/Physics Settings.prefab
  30. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/Physics Settings.prefab.meta
  31. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/ApplyBuoyancyForceSystem.cs.meta
  32. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/GertsnerSystem.cs
  33. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/GertsnerSystem.cs.meta
  34. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/Slippery.asset
  35. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/Slippery.asset.meta
  36. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/PhysicsConversionSystem.cs
  37. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/PhysicsConversionSystem.cs.meta
  38. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/ApplyBuoyancyForceSystem.cs
  39. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Components/BoatDataComponents.cs.meta
  40. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/DriveSystem.cs
  41. 0
      /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/DriveSystem.cs.meta

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Physics Scene.unity

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--- !u!1 &1531988074 stripped

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m_NoiseProfile: {fileID: 0}
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type: 3}
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Assets/Unity Physics Items/BuoyantObject_DOTS.cs

namespace WaterSystem
public class BuoyantObject2 : MonoBehaviour//, IConvertGameObjectToEntity
public class BuoyantObject_DOTS : MonoBehaviour//, IConvertGameObjectToEntity
public BuoyancyType _buoyancyType; // type of buoyancy to calculate
public float density; // density of the object, this is calculated off it's volume and mass

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/GertsnerSystem.cs

waveNorm += (norm * waveCountMulti) * amplitude;
heights[vi] = new VoxelHeight{Value = wavePos};
if (offsets.Length == 1)

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/Slippery.asset

m_Override: 1
m_Value: 0
m_Override: 1
m_Value: 0000000000000000

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/PhysicsConversionSystem.cs

// Update is called once per frame
protected override void OnUpdate()
Entities.ForEach((BuoyantObject2 behaviour) => { behaviour.Convert(GetPrimaryEntity(behaviour), DstEntityManager, this); });
Entities.ForEach((BuoyantObject_DOTS behaviour) => { behaviour.Convert(GetPrimaryEntity(behaviour), DstEntityManager, this); });

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/ApplyBuoyancyForceSystem.cs

using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Transforms;
using UnityEngine;
using static WaterSystem.BuoyantObject2;
using static WaterSystem.BuoyantObject_DOTS;
using Unity.Physics.Extensions;
using Unity.Physics.Systems;
using Unity.Physics;

public BufferFromEntity<VoxelHeight> heightBuffer;
public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref Translation pos, ref Rotation rot, ref PhysicsVelocity vel, ref PhysicsMass mass, ref PhysicsDamping damping, ref BuoyantData data)
DynamicBuffer<VoxelOffset> offsets = offsetBuffer[entity];

//Debug.Log("new pass: " + entity.ToString());
var entityTransform = new RigidTransform(rot.Value, pos.Value);
float avgHeight = 0;
int total = 0;
var entityTransform = new RigidTransform(rot.Value, pos.Value);
if (wp.y - data.voxelResolution < waterLevel)
//float depth = waterLevel - wp.y + (data.voxelResolution * 2f);

var force = localDampingForce + math.sqrt(subFactor) * data.localArchimedesForce;//\
ComponentExtensions.ApplyImpulse(ref vel, mass, pos, rot, force * dt, wp);
//entity.ApplyImpulse(force, wp);//RB.AddForceAtPosition(force, wp);
avgHeight += force.y;
Debug.Log("Average height: " + avgHeight / total);
//submergedAmount /= offsets.Length;
//damping.Linear = Mathf.Lerp(data.baseDrag, 1f, submergedAmount);
//damping.Angular = Mathf.Lerp(data.baseAngularDrag, 1f, submergedAmount);

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Components/BoatDataComponents.cs.meta

fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 1c6f1509c9123b744893eac97a7388fa
guid: 5cd1fa5899494974698ae65f8dd12273
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/DriveSystem.cs

var force = (forward * throttle * data.horsePower) / mass.InverseMass; //divide by iMass to counteract mass in impulse method
var torque = (throttle * new float3(-1, 0, 0)) / mass.InverseInertia;
float3 up = math.mul(rot.Value, math.up());
ComponentExtensions.ApplyAngularImpulse(ref vel, mass, torque * dt);
ComponentExtensions.ApplyLinearImpulse(ref vel, mass, up * 20000f * dt);
//ComponentExtensions.ApplyAngularImpulse(ref vel, mass, torque * dt);
steering = Mathf.Clamp(steering, -1f, 1f); // clamp for reasonable values
steering = Mathf.Clamp(steering, -1f, 1f); // clamp for reasonable values
var sTorque = new float3(0f, data.torque, -data.torque * .5f) * steering / mass.InverseInertia;
ComponentExtensions.ApplyAngularImpulse(ref vel, mass, sTorque * dt);
//Debug.Log(string.Format("Force: {0}, Torque: {1} Throttle: {2}", force, sTorque, throttle));

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Components.meta

fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: abe8179f462907947a719dde0391f6dc
folderAsset: yes
externalObjects: {}

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs.meta

fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: a9875aaa1f03515488c4e37f55db9618
folderAsset: yes
externalObjects: {}

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems.meta

fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 71f78570d6fb8c74a92c6e06b82f20e6
folderAsset: yes
externalObjects: {}

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Components/BoatBodyComponent.cs

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Transforms;
using UnityEngine;
public class BoatBodyComponent : MonoBehaviour, IConvertGameObjectToEntity
public void Convert(Entity entity, EntityManager dstManager, GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem)
dstManager.AddComponent(entity, typeof(CopyTransformToGameObject));

Assets/Unity Physics Items/Components/BoatDataComponents.cs

using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using static WaterSystem.BuoyantObject_DOTS;
public struct BuoyantData : IComponentData
public BuoyancyType type;
public float voxelResolution;
public float3 normal;
public float3 localArchimedesForce;
public float percentSubmerged;
public float baseDrag;
public float baseAngularDrag;
public struct VoxelOffset : IBufferElementData
public float3 Value;
public struct VoxelHeight : IBufferElementData
public float3 Value;
public struct DrivingData : IComponentData
public float torque;
public float horsePower;
public float3 engineOffset;
public struct MoveWithInputTag : IComponentData
{ }

Assets/Unity Physics Items/BoatBodyComponent.cs

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Transforms;
using UnityEngine;
public class BoatBodyComponent : MonoBehaviour, IConvertGameObjectToEntity
public void Convert(Entity entity, EntityManager dstManager, GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem)
dstManager.AddComponent(entity, typeof(CopyTransformToGameObject));

Assets/Unity Physics Items/BuoyantData.cs

using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using static WaterSystem.BuoyantObject2;
public struct BuoyantData : IComponentData
public BuoyancyType type;
public float voxelResolution;
public float3 normal;
public float3 localArchimedesForce;
public float percentSubmerged;
public float baseDrag;
public float baseAngularDrag;
//you can't have two buffers of the same type on an entity, so you need a new struct for each float3 you want to map.
public struct VoxelOffset : IBufferElementData
public float3 Value;
public struct VoxelHeight : IBufferElementData
public float3 Value;
//Now, your query needs to check for BuoyantData, VoxelOffset and VoxelHeight
//Your component itself doesn't define the behaviour, your query does. And your query probably will have several components in it.

Assets/Unity Physics Items/BuoyantData.cs.meta

fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 95cc8733bdb37db469f6827e5a105e06
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}

Assets/Unity Physics Items/PhysicalVoxelBouyData.cs

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using UnityEngine;
public struct PhysicalVoxelBouyData : IComponentData
public int guid;

Assets/Unity Physics Items/PhysicalVoxelBouyData.cs.meta

fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: d371b62cbe5cfcc4e96917db6453b791
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executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}

Assets/Unity Physics Items/BoatDriveSystem.cs

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class BoatDriveSystem : MonoBehaviour
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()

Assets/Unity Physics Items/DrivingData.cs

using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Mathematics;
public struct DrivingData : IComponentData
public float torque;
public float horsePower;
public float3 engineOffset;

Assets/Unity Physics Items/DrivingData.cs.meta

fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: eecb437b456d8484fb05784f0109d7b3
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}

Assets/Unity Physics Items/MoveWithInputTag.cs

using Unity.Entities;
public struct MoveWithInputTag : IComponentData

Assets/Unity Physics Items/MoveWithInputTag.cs.meta

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externalObjects: {}
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/Assets/Unity Physics Items/BuoyantObject2.cs.meta → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/BuoyantObject_DOTS.cs.meta

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/BuoyantObject2.cs → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/BuoyantObject_DOTS.cs

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/BoatBodyComponent.cs.meta → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Components/BoatBodyComponent.cs.meta

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/BoatEntity.prefab → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/BoatEntity.prefab

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/BoatEntity.prefab.meta → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/BoatEntity.prefab.meta

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/Physics Settings.prefab → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/Physics Settings.prefab

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/Physics Settings.prefab.meta → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/Physics Settings.prefab.meta

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/ApplyBuoyancyForceSystem.cs.meta → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/ApplyBuoyancyForceSystem.cs.meta

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/GertsnerSystem.cs → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/GertsnerSystem.cs

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/GertsnerSystem.cs.meta → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/GertsnerSystem.cs.meta

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/Slippery.asset → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/Slippery.asset

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/Slippery.asset.meta → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Prefabs/Slippery.asset.meta

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/PhysicsConversionSystem.cs → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/PhysicsConversionSystem.cs

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/PhysicsConversionSystem.cs.meta → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/PhysicsConversionSystem.cs.meta

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/ApplyBuoyancyForceSystem.cs → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/ApplyBuoyancyForceSystem.cs

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/BoatDriveSystem.cs.meta → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Components/BoatDataComponents.cs.meta

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/DriveSystem.cs → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/DriveSystem.cs

/Assets/Unity Physics Items/DriveSystem.cs.meta → /Assets/Unity Physics Items/Systems/DriveSystem.cs.meta
