This repository is forked from Boat Attack and converted Unity editor version to China edition: 2019.4.28f1c1(and above versions) to enable Auto-Streaming capability.
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using UnityEngine.Profiling;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering
public class MiniProfiler : MonoBehaviour
private bool m_Enable = true;
private const float kAverageStatDuration = 1.0f; // stats refresh each second
private int m_frameCount;
private float m_AccDeltaTime;
private string m_statsLabel;
private GUIStyle m_style;
private float[] m_frameTimes = new float[5000];
private int m_totalFrames = 0;
private float m_minFrameTime = 1000f;
private float m_maxFrameTime = 0f;
internal class RecorderEntry
public string name;
public int callCount;
public float accTime;
public Profiling.Recorder recorder;
enum Markers
RecorderEntry[] recordersList =
// Warning: Keep that list in the exact same order than SRPBMarkers enum
new RecorderEntry() { name="UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll!UnityEngine.Rendering::RenderPipelineManager.DoRenderLoop_Internal()" },
new RecorderEntry() { name="CullScriptable" },
new RecorderEntry() { name="Shadows.ExecuteDrawShadows" },
new RecorderEntry() { name="RenderLoop.ScheduleDraw" },
new RecorderEntry() { name="Render PostProcessing Effects" },
void Awake()
for (int i = 0; i < recordersList.Length; i++)
var sampler = Sampler.Get(recordersList[i].name);
if (sampler.isValid)
recordersList[i].recorder = sampler.GetRecorder();
m_style =new GUIStyle();
m_style.fontSize = 30;
m_style.normal.textColor = Color.white;
void RazCounters()
m_AccDeltaTime = 0.0f;
m_frameCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < recordersList.Length; i++)
recordersList[i].accTime = 0.0f;
recordersList[i].callCount = 0;
void ResetStats()
m_statsLabel = "Gathering data...";
void Update()
if (m_Enable)
m_AccDeltaTime += Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
m_frameTimes[(int) Mathf.Repeat(m_totalFrames, 5000)] = Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
int frameFactor = Mathf.Clamp(m_totalFrames, 0, 5000);
float m_averageFrameTime = 0f;
for (int i = 0; i < frameFactor; i++)
m_averageFrameTime += m_frameTimes[i];
if (m_frameCount > 10)
m_minFrameTime = Time.unscaledDeltaTime < m_minFrameTime ? Time.unscaledDeltaTime : m_minFrameTime;
m_maxFrameTime = Time.unscaledDeltaTime > m_maxFrameTime ? Time.unscaledDeltaTime : m_maxFrameTime;
// get timing & update average accumulators
for (int i = 0; i < recordersList.Length; i++)
if (recordersList[i].recorder != null)
recordersList[i].accTime += recordersList[i].recorder.elapsedNanoseconds / 1000000.0f; // acc time in ms
recordersList[i].callCount += recordersList[i].recorder.sampleBlockCount;
if (m_AccDeltaTime >= kAverageStatDuration)
float ooFrameCount = 1.0f / (float)m_frameCount;
float avgLoop = recordersList[(int)Markers.kRenderloop].accTime * ooFrameCount;
float avgCulling = recordersList[(int)Markers.kCulling].accTime * ooFrameCount;
float avgShadow = recordersList[(int)Markers.kShadows].accTime * ooFrameCount;
float avgDraw = recordersList[(int)Markers.kDraw].accTime * ooFrameCount;
float avgPost = recordersList[(int)Markers.kPost].accTime * ooFrameCount;
m_statsLabel = $"Rendering Loop Main Thread:{avgLoop:N}ms\n";
m_statsLabel += $" Culling:{avgCulling:N}ms\n";
m_statsLabel += $" Shadows:{avgShadow:N}ms\n";
m_statsLabel += $" Draws:{avgDraw:F2}ms\n";
m_statsLabel += $" PostProcessing:{avgPost:F2}ms\n";
m_statsLabel += $"Total: {(m_AccDeltaTime * 1000.0f * ooFrameCount):F2}ms ({(int)(((float)m_frameCount) / m_AccDeltaTime)} FPS)\n";
float frameMulti = 1f / frameFactor;
m_statsLabel += $"Average:{(m_averageFrameTime * 1000f * frameMulti):F2}ms\n";
m_statsLabel += $"Minimum:{m_minFrameTime * 1000f:F2}ms\n";
m_statsLabel += $"Maximum:{m_maxFrameTime * 1000f:F2}ms\n";
void OnGUI()
if (m_Enable)
bool SRPBatcher = UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.UniversalRenderPipeline.asset.useSRPBatcher;
// = 15;
GUI.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
float w = 1000, h = 356;
if ( SRPBatcher )
GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(32, 50, w, h), "(SRP batcher ON)",;
GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(32, 50, w, h), "(SRP batcher OFF)",;
GUILayout.Label(m_statsLabel, m_style);