This repository is forked from Boat Attack and converted Unity editor version to China edition: 2019.4.28f1c1(and above versions) to enable Auto-Streaming capability.
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using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditorInternal;
namespace BoatAttack
public class WaypointGroupEditor : Editor
private WaypointGroup _wpGroup;
private SerializedProperty _waypoints;
private ReorderableList _waypointList;
private int _selectedWp = -1;
private bool _wpHeaderBool;
private void OnEnable()
if(_wpGroup == null)
_wpGroup = (WaypointGroup) target;
_waypoints = serializedObject.FindProperty("WPs");
_waypointList = new ReorderableList(serializedObject, _waypoints)
drawElementCallback = DrawElementCallback,
drawHeaderCallback = rect => { EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Waypoints"); },
onSelectCallback = list => { _selectedWp = list.index; },
elementHeightCallback = index => EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(_waypoints.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index))
private void DrawElementCallback(Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused)
var prop = _waypointList.serializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);
EditorGUI.PropertyField(rect, prop);
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
DrawPropertiesExcluding(serializedObject, "WPs");
_wpHeaderBool = EditorGUILayout.BeginFoldoutHeaderGroup(_wpHeaderBool, "Waypoint List");
if (_wpHeaderBool)
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
var len = _wpGroup.CalculateTrackDistance();
_wpGroup.length = len;
private void OnSceneGUI()
if(_wpGroup == null)
_wpGroup = (WaypointGroup) target;
for (var i = 0; i < _wpGroup.WPs.Count; i++)
var wp = _wpGroup.WPs[i];
Handles.color = _wpGroup.waypointColour;
#region Control
if (_selectedWp == i)
if (Tools.current == Tool.Move)
// Control handle
var pos = Handles.PositionHandle(wp.point, wp.rotation);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Undo.RecordObject(_wpGroup, "Moved Waypoint");
pos = new Vector3((float)Math.Round(pos.x, 2), (float)Math.Round(pos.y, 2), (float)Math.Round(pos.z, 2));
wp.point = pos;
else if (Tools.current == Tool.Rotate)
// Control handle
var rot = Handles.RotationHandle(wp.rotation, wp.point);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Undo.RecordObject(_wpGroup, "Rotated Waypoint");
wp.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, Mathf.Round(rot.eulerAngles.y), 0f);
else if (Tools.current == Tool.Scale)
// Control handle
var scale = Handles.ScaleSlider(wp.width, wp.point, (wp.rotation * Vector3.right),
wp.rotation, wp.width, 0.1f);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Undo.RecordObject(_wpGroup, "Scaled Waypoint");
wp.width = scale;
#region Visualization
{ // Draw lines
var a = wp;
var b = i != _wpGroup.WPs.Count - 1 ? _wpGroup.WPs[i + 1] : _wpGroup.WPs[0];
Handles.DrawDottedLine(a.point, b.point, 4f);
var aMatrix = Matrix4x4.Rotate(a.rotation);
var aW = Vector3.right * a.width;
Vector3 a1 = aMatrix * aW;
Vector3 a2 = aMatrix * -aW;
var bMatrix = Matrix4x4.Rotate(b.rotation);
var bW = Vector3.right * b.width;
Vector3 b1 = bMatrix * bW;
Vector3 b2 = bMatrix * -bW;
Handles.DrawLine(a.point + a1, b.point + b1);
Handles.DrawLine(a.point + a2, b.point + b2);
var col = _wpGroup.waypointColour;
col.a = 0.05f;
Handles.color = col;
Handles.DrawAAConvexPolygon(a.point + a1,
a.point + a2,
b.point + b2,
b.point + b1);
{ // Draw points
var p = wp.point;
var r = wp.rotation;
var w = wp.width;
if (i == 0) // Draw Start/Finish line
Handles.color = new Color(0f, 1f, 0f, 0.5f);
else if (wp.isCheckpoint) // Draw Checkpoints
Handles.color = new Color(0f, 0f, 1f, 0.5f);
DrawRectangle(p, r, new Vector2(w, 1f));
private void DrawRectangle(Vector3 center, Quaternion rotation, Vector2 size)
var m = Matrix4x4.Rotate(rotation);
Vector3 a = m * new Vector3(size.x, 0f, size.y);
Vector3 b = m * new Vector3(size.x, 0f, -size.y);
Handles.DrawAAConvexPolygon(center + a, center + b, center - a, center - b);