This repository is forked from Boat Attack and converted Unity editor version to China edition: 2019.4.28f1c1(and above versions) to enable Auto-Streaming capability.
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Shader "BoatAttack/WaterFXShader"
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
// Blend mode values
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode)] _SrcBlend ("Src Blend mode", Float) = 0.0
// Blend mode values
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode)] _DstBlend ("Dst Blend mode", Float) = 0.0
// Will set "_INVERT_ON" shader keyword when set
[Toggle] _Invert ("Invert?", Float) = 0
Tags { "RenderType"="Transparent" "Queue"="Transparent" "RenderPipeline" = "UniversalPipeline" }
ZWrite Off
LOD 100
Name "WaterFX"
Tags{"LightMode" = "WaterFX"}
#pragma vertex WaterFXVertex
#pragma fragment WaterFXFragment
#pragma shader_feature _INVERT_ON
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
struct Attributes
float3 positionOS : POSITION;
float3 normalOS : NORMAL;
float4 tangentOS : TANGENT;
half4 color : COLOR;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
struct Varyings
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
half4 normal : TEXCOORD1; // xyz: normal, w: viewDir.x
half4 tangent : TEXCOORD2; // xyz: tangent, w: viewDir.y
half4 bitangent : TEXCOORD3; // xyz: binormal, w: viewDir.z
half4 color : TEXCOORD4;
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
sampler2D _MainTex;
Varyings WaterFXVertex (Attributes input)
Varyings output = (Varyings)0;
VertexPositionInputs vertexPosition = GetVertexPositionInputs(;
VertexNormalInputs vertexTBN = GetVertexNormalInputs(input.normalOS, input.tangentOS);
output.vertex = vertexPosition.positionCS;
output.uv = input.uv;
output.color = input.color;
half3 viewDir = GetCameraPositionWS() - vertexPosition.positionWS;
output.normal = half4(vertexTBN.normalWS, viewDir.x);
output.tangent = half4(vertexTBN.tangentWS, viewDir.y);
output.bitangent = half4(vertexTBN.bitangentWS, viewDir.z);
return output;
half4 WaterFXFragment (Varyings input) : SV_Target
half4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, input.uv);
half foamMask = col.r * input.color.r;
half disp = col.a * 2 - 1;
disp *= input.color.a;
half3 tNorm = half3(col.b, col.g, 1) * 2 - 1;
half3 viewDir = half3(input.normal.w, input.tangent.w, input.bitangent.w);
half3 normalWS = TransformTangentToWorld(tNorm, half3x3(,,;
normalWS = lerp(half3(0, 1, 0), normalWS, input.color.g);
half4 comp = half4(foamMask, normalWS.xz, disp);
#ifdef _INVERT_ON
comp *= -1;
return comp;